Plants, Maps, and Change

Lila Leatherman

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Lila Leatherman – 859.753.7862 – @lilaleatherman



Summer 2016 Research Assistant, Utah State University, Adler Lab
2015-2016 Research Assistant, Natural History Museum of Utah and University of Utah Rio Mesa Center
2014-2015 Research Associate, Great Basin Institute & Utah Bureau of Land Management
Summer 2014 Policy Intern, Chicago Botanic Garden & Wyoming Bureau of Land Management
2013-2014 Lab Instructor, Oberlin College Biology Department
2011-2013 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Oberlin College, Moore Lab
Jan. 2012 Research Assistant, University of Kentucky, Vincelli Lab


2017-2018 Oregon State University College of Forestry Dean’s Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship ($30,000)
Summer 2017 Participant support and tuition – University of Utah SPATIAL Isotope short course ($2,500)
2016-2017 Oregon State University Distinguished Provost’s Fellowship ($30,000)
2016-2017 Oregon State University College of Forestry Doctoral Student Fellowship ($20,000)
2016-2017 Oregon State University College of Forestry Schultz Family Education Fellowship ($4,500)
2016-2017 Oregon State University College of Forestry Alfred W. Moltke Memorial Fellowship ($3,000)
2016-2017 Oregon State University College of Forestry Dick Waring Forest Ecology Fellowship ($2,500)
April 2016 Garrett Herbarium Ann Kelsey Student Botanical Project Fund ($500)
Jan. 2016 Rio Mesa Center and Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program research support ($4,200)
Summer 2012 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Fellowship ($6,000)
2009-2013 John Frederick Oberlin Merit Scholarship, Oberlin College


April 2017 First place poster presentation, Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium, OSU
May 2013 The Norman H. Wright Prize in Biology, Oberlin College ($250)
May 2013 Young Botanist Award, Botanical Society of America
Jan. 2013 Honorable Mention Best Student Poster Presentation, Division of Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference



Peter W. Fritsch, Camille Nowell, Lila S.T. Leatherman, Wei Gong, Boni C. Cruz, Dylan O. Burge, and Alfonso O. Delgado Salinas. Species boundaries and leaf adaptations in North American Cercis (Fabaceae): Implications for the evolution of dry floras in the Northern Hemisphere. American Journal of Botany.


Leatherman, L.S.T.; Wood, T.E.; Butterfield, B.; Winkler, D.E., Doherty, K. Combining species distribution models and disturbance to select native plant species for use in restoration. Manuscript in preparation.


Lila Leatherman. BioCON: Studying the Interactions Between Biodiversity, Elevated CO 2 , and N Deposition. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. January 2018


First author oral presentations

Leatherman, L.S.T.; Still, C.J. How does photosynthetic pathway control variation in grassland productivity? Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium, Oregon State University. April, 2018.

Leatherman, L.S.T.; Wood, T.E.; Butterfield, B.; Doherty, K.; Calvo, C. Combining species distribution models and predicted disturbance to select native plant species for use in restoration. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program, Page, AZ, Mar. 22-23 2016.

Leatherman, Lila; Pilmanis, Adrienne. Case Study: Managing wildland seed collections data to support performance assessment of a regional native plant materials development partnership. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program, Santa Fe, NM, April 17 2015.

Leatherman, Lila; Douglas, Norman; Olvera, Hilda Flores; Ochoterena, Hilda; Moore, Michael. Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Gypsum endemism and resistance to Pleistocene climate change in Anulocaulis (Nyctaginaceae). Oral presentation. Botany 2013 Conference, New Orleans, LA, July 27-Aug. 1 2013.

Poster presentations

Leatherman, L.S.T.; Griffith, D.M., Still, C.J. How does grassland light use efficiency vary with climate, and between communities? Poster. Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. Corvallis, Oregon. April 21, 2017.

Leatherman, L.S.T.; Wood, T.E.; Butterfield, B.; Doherty, K.; Pilmanis, A. Combining species distribution models and predicted disturbance to select native plant species for restoration use. Poster. Biennial Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region. Flagstaff, AZ, Oct. 5-8 2015.

Leatherman, Lila; Pilmanis, Adrienne. Case Study: Managing wildland seed collections data to support performance assessment of a regional native plant materials development partnership. Poster. National Native Seed Conference, Santa Fe, NM, April 13-16 2015.

Leatherman, L.S.T.; Nowell, C.; Schiller, A.M.; Cruz, B.C.; Fritsch, P.W. Taxonomic and adaptive implications of morphological variation in North American Cercis (Fabaceae). Poster. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 3-7 2013.

Leatherman, Lila; Sanders, Jeffrey; Goldman, Madison; Moore, Michael J.; Douglas, Norman. Phylogenetics and biogeography of Oenothera sect. Calylophus. Poster. Botany 2012 Conference, Columbus, OH, July 7-11 2012.


Ecosystems, Global Change Biology




Remote Sensing Methods of Data Analysis I & II
Digital Image Processing Natural Resource Data Analysis
Nutrient Cycling Spatio-Temporal Variation
Landscape Ecology Community Ecology
Woody Plant Physiology Forest Ecosystem Analysis and Applications




Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America, Sigma Xi, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology